My man Kevin Casey took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions for The 2 Man Weave. Kevin recently dropped his first mixtape, "Live From New York" which features groundbreaking New York Hip Hop, to much acclaim. I have had the privilege of knowing Kevin for years now, and am very excited to see what he is going to do next. There is no doubt that his hard work and musical talent will earn him great success. Check out his website www.kevincaseymusic.com
By dropping a New York only mixtape, it's obvious New York based hip-hop has had a large influence on you and your career. What other musicians, types of music, etc... have influenced you?
Growing up I was constantly surrounded by music - mostly stuff from the 50sand 60s. I remember my dad having a big collectors set for each decade of all the hit records, each one holding at least 30 tapes. Long car rides between New York and Toronto meant long listening sessions, and I quickly learned all those songs inside out. Playing the alto saxophone in middle school and high school got me more familiar with other genres, mostly jazz. And then as of more recently I've been locked into funk and soul stuff from the 60s and 70s. Oh yea, and hip hop.
Your blog, www.kevincaseymusic.com
I didn't want to just start a hip hop blog that reported on the hip-hop world's "news of the day." To be completely honest, I wasn't even comfortable with the word BLOG until very recently. I understand it's value now, and I also just enjoy sharing music that I listen to. If I come across that one song of the day that has me addicted to it, why not share that. My man Buckwild once said to me that my site is more about "culture" than hip hop music ... so I'll go with that too. It's also a good way to support projects of mine and the people around me.
Music, and rap/hip-hop in particular, is in a terrible state. What are you doing to elevate the state of music and blow a breath of fresh air to the music business?
I think all I can do in my position is just work hard and make sure the stuff I put out is to the best of my ability, and nothing less. I do have to say that I believe hip-hop is on an upward trend... how far along on the spectrum I don't know, but I think it's moving in a good direction. I would just like to see all the people that ask for "real hip hop" be ready to buy the projects that come out in that lane. If they are not doing that, and just talking about it, then they are part of the problem. We're all at least a little guilty of this.
What has it been like working closely with notable producers such as Scram Jones and Buckwild? How have they influenced your music, as well as your career?
First off, I have to say that my man Dub Sonata was the first one to really see potential in what I did with music, and bring me around the people that I'm around now. He is also one of the dopest producers I know. Being around Scram and Buck has only been positive... watching these dudes make beats is just like being in class - you try to learn as much as you can. Well, I guess that makes it not really like any class I've been in, but I think you get my point. Biggest thing is that I am friends with all the people I make music around, and that can be a hard find in the industry.
When did you first realize that you wanted pursue a career in music?
Probably around the time I really fell in love with DJ-ing while going to college. I got paid for the first time for having fun with music, and it felt good. I started making beats on my computer, and that was that. There is such a high level that this can be taken to ... I look at someone like Quincy Jones and get depressed, but then excited. Depressed that I am where I am, and he is where he is ... but excited that if I apply myself, there is so much room to grow as a producer. That's what I love about creative arts, you have the opportunity to take your craft to the highest level. I don't think I should ever reach a point where I am 100% satisfied. I got alot to learn but I'm all in.
Any new projects your working on?
I like to just put stuff out and not talk about it in advance, but I will say that the next time you hear a Live From New York style mixtape from me it will not be what you expect. 2manweave, it's been real.
Wow! I love hearing about friends who are doing what they love